So what have you been up to lately?

That is such a broad question. I’ve been up to lots of stuff and most of them I do not want to discuss with you (giggles).
You don’t like broad questions?
No! I have battle wounds from harmless broad questions. I don’t like to misinterpret people.
I meant in terms of your acting career. We don’t see you as much as we used to see you on the cover of home movies

Well I took a few steps back in terms of acting certain kinds of films more than 3 years ago. The scripts were getting so bad and most of the good producers are not shooting as much so that made it even worse. Don’t get me wrong once in a while I will see a script that is half decent and I will grab it.
What are some of the films you have shot and who is in it?
I shot for Tchidi a few months ago and it is coming out end of this month. I hear it is called Money Never Sleeps. Mercy Johnson and this upcoming actor called Frank are in it. I also shot for director Andy Amenechi and he is still in postproduction. Chika Ike, Halima and Yul Edochie were in that one. There is one called Secret Violence that came out a couple of weeks ago. I am going to shoot one in Kenya next week for Producer Carol Nguta.
Are you not missing out on the money by shooting fewer films?

There is really nothing to miss in terms of money when it comes to Asaba Film unless you want to treat making films like a pepper selling business. I love acting too much to treat it like a pepper selling business at this stage in my career. Thank God for endorsement deals. I also own a production company and we have shot a couple of projects for businesses. And as I said, I still shoot for producers who want to maintain some standards.
Are any of the films going to show in the cinemas?
The next two are going to cinemas so I am happy about that. Making a movie that is good for cinema is not cheap. The Kenya movie has been in the works for many months. The producers are targeting Cinema. We are shooting in Kenya and Tanzania for at least 30 Days. When I come back I will enter another set that has been on now for more than 8 months. It’s about doing things right not the quantity.
You gave a speech at the Presidential Lunch recently, how did that come about?

I was invited by a friend in the group called “Light up Nigeria”. I marched with them last year for the “enough is enough” campaign. They invited me to speak at the event, to tell the President how supporting Nollywood can help with keeping the youth employed.
Were you nervous?
Oh yes! They called at 11pm the night before and I had to stay up to prepare something. Even though we only had 3 minutes to talk, I was glad that I did. We have to tell our leaders what we want and need from them so we can hold them accountable.
I heard you were paid to do it, How much did you get paid?

Not true! I did not accept one Kobo, I saw it more like a civic duty and the group that invited me is a not a profit making organization. They did not pay me to walk from GRA to Alausa so why would they pay me to go down the street to talk to the President for a few minutes. I only bill people for things I feel is work… when people are using my image to make money that is not for charity, you know that kind of thing.
Did you vote?
Yes I voted in all three elections House, Governorship and Presidential. It was my first time of voting in my life and I enjoyed the experience.
We don’t hear about whom you are dating, we don’t hear your wedding bells or if you are even interested in wedding bells?
You don’t hear about whom I am dating because I have learned how to keep my private business private. If you want to hear wedding bells, why don’t you ring it yourself?
But your fans want to know

Not every tiny detail of my private life, I am already on twitter and facebook so they know a lot about me already. I try not to discuss my relationships because I hate what happens whenever it gets out. Every little thing becomes magnified and not many men can handle being under that kind of scrutiny. And when it does not work out, you are expected to start explaining why it did not work or start forming that you never had a relationship in the first place. No thank you.
So stardom can be quite stressful on a relationship?
Oh yes it can be especially if it is not built on a solid foundation. I have seen what it has done to people in my industry. Being in a relationship is already tough not to add the drama that we carry around as public people. Apart from that, keeping your relationship private is also a way of sorting out who really likes you for you or who wants to date you just for the publicity.
Red carpet romance?

Exactly! Oh that is good one. I will use it from now. Believe me, they are plenty out there and that is why I cherish a man who is on the same page as you, someone who is more interested in your peace of mind not causing drama every minute. Don’t get me wrong a little drama is good for a relationship but not the kind of drama that appears in newspapers.
Is your boyfriend someone we know?
(laughter) Who?
Is he cute?
See this woman! What does it matter if he is cute or not?
You would date an ugly man?
Don’t get me wrong, cute is cute but I don’t date a guy just for his good looks. It is about his mind, his heart, and most especially the way I feel when I am with him and the way he makes me feel. Ahhhh this interview needs to end.
Just a few more and I will wrap up. Did you spend it at an orphanage?

Even if I did, you will not know about it. The only time you will hear about something like that is when it is part of creating awareness or raising funds for the charity. Apart from that, my private charitable works is not for the public to know. It is just the same reason you don’t go to the Altar waving your money for everyone to see before you put it in offering box.
So how else did you celebrate?
Believe it or not, I was working. I am co-hosting “The Headies” this year with El Dee and we joined the Morning Rush team at The Beat Fm that morning. The Headies family surprised me with a birthday cake and drinks, quite nice. I am preparing for an intense role right now so I kept celebrating to a minimum.
Are you looking forward to hosting the “Headies” event?

Oh yes. It is an important event in the music industry and I am happy to be a part of it. They Headies family are planning to produce an even better show than in previous years and we are just going out there to do a good job and hopefully have fun in the process.
What do you do when you are not working?
I do the things that make me happy. I can be a home buddy so I watch a lot of movies and tv series, I read books, listen to music and tweet or chat to people on my phone. And of course like any average girl out there, I like to shop.

Interview Source: Nollywood Mindspace
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