Q. Do you wish
God kept your father a little bit longer?
Ans: Before Nko,
but his time was up and he had to answer the call. He lived a good life. He was
outstanding, totally different and I am so very proud that he was my father.
Even though in the beginning I rebelled against all he stood for, it all
eventually caught up with me. As I matured over the years, I found out that he
had done me so much good. For sure I'm going to miss him like mad, but I have
wonderful memories to tie me over.
Q: What does
your tradition expect of you from now till your dad is buried? Are you to stay
indoors 40days? Cut your hair? What is now expected that you, or any other
member of the male/female Oputas to do?
Ans: I am not
too knowledgeable about the traditional aspect, my relatives in the village
have not told me about any specific things I should do. For now, all I’m doing
is planning and receiving guest who come to sympathize with the family. My
father will first be buried as a Christian and a knight in the church. He holds
the title of (Odua) the oldest man in the village. Tradition says, he will
require a second burial a year after the first, that's the much I know. I
shaved my hair way before he passed on, he loved my new look.
Q. At the point
when you wrote the prayer request letter for your dad, did you harbor any fears
that your father may be spending his last days on earth?

Ans: He was in
the village when he was hit by stroke on the 14th of February, 2014. At about
3:30pm, I got a call from one of his aids informing me of what had happened. It
was a Friday; one of my daughters had just come back from the US a few days
before. So I sent her and my brother immediately to Owerri to assess the
situation till I get myself together and arrive on Monday. My brother, I didn't
sleep from Friday to Monday morning. I was in a trance, the worse seized my
mind. I cried when I was alone, in my household it was as if he had already
passed, my father had never been sick, ever! It was the most painful time in my
life; the thought of losing my father, my best friend was too much to deal
with. But typical me, by Monday as I headed to the airport to catch the flight
to Owerri, I was mentally ready for the worst. By the time I saw my father in
the hospital, I was devastated, it took all the courage to hold back the tears.
Then I knew it was downhill from there. I knew it was a matter of time, but I
was ever determined to do all I could for my best friend. Since childhood I
have always had that sharp instinct, intuition or premonition about things and
people. I should have been dead long time ago, living the kind of life I had
lived, but I have survived because of this gift from God.
Q: Seeing him
helpless those harrowing weeks, what went on in your mind?
Ans: A lot of
pain. Ever since I can remember, I have never seen my father down. I have never
seen him sick. I prayed that God shouldn't let him suffer one bit. I couldn't
stand the fact that we could no longer have the kind of robust discussions we
use to have. Most of the time he was quiet, and I will always wonder what's
going through his mind. God has been kind to our family, he made his passage
peaceful and I am thankful.
Q: Were you
beside your father when he spent his last moments on earth?
Ans: He died in
my house, too bad it wasn't in my arms. After the hospital stabilized him, we
were advised by the doctors to take him home and give him the care he
needed to nurse him back to life. But I knew that age was not on his side. My
father was over 96years. On Sunday the 4th of May, I went down to his quarters
to see him. He had not been eaten properly. As I went on my usual round to see
him and crack a few jokes before I go do my thing, I noticed he was unusually
weak. As soon as I entered his room, he beckoned on me to come. I bent over to
kiss his forehead and he said to me “I’m sorry Charles". I asked what for?
I couldn't imagine that with his state of health all my father was thinking
about was all the money I was spending to give him the best care and the love I
showered on him. He was worrying about me? Hummmm.
At that point I just laughed and said to him, "daddy get well soon so that
I won't send you a bill you cannot pay". I asked the nurse to give him his
bath, while I go and do same and come back to feed him myself. I was just
getting dressed after my bath when the nurse called me to say I should come
down quickly. At that point I knew what I have been getting myself ready for,
has finally happened. I thank God that I not only spent quality time with him,
we became almost inseparable.
Q: What were his
last words before he passed on?
Ans: I'm sorry
Q : While he was
still bedridden, was he still concerned about the many troubles and challenges
the common man on the streets and our country Nigeria is facing?
Ans: Trust him,
always thinking about other people more than himself. I guess that's where I
got that from too. I remember our most recent discussion after the bombing that
killed a lot of innocent people in Nyanya. As we were watching the news
together, I asked him, "Why are we the way we are". I can't forget
his profound answer. "Most Nigerians are incapable of deep thoughts".
He always complained about how bad things were getting and why we couldn’t seem
to get it together. His comfort was in all the advocacy work I did, trying to
add value to my environment and all I have been trying to do for and with the
frustrated Nigerian youth. Most of the time, he had come to many of my
functions and workshops. That's one reason he had a lot of respect for what I
represented. I guess in a roundabout way, he wished he was me, craving for the
opportunity to change his environment. He was all the time troubled about the
state of the nation.
Q:Tell us about
the concert you plan to stage for your late father?
Ans: My father without
a doubt was a great man, actually the last of the Titans. When people come to
see me and say sorry to me, I correct them by demanding they say congrats to
me. Here is a man who has led a good life, who stood for justice especially for
the common man, who stuck to one wife for over 70yrs. I'm having Nollywood come
down to Oguta, the cream of Nigerian musicians, The Hard Riders Biker Club from
Port Harcourt, Nigerians will be there. I expect Davido, Daddy Showkey, Felix
Duke, TerryG, Dr Alban, Duncan Mighty and the likes. Indeed it will be a grand
celebration of a damn goooooood life.
People go bow, dem go hear am.
Q: What really
is the essence behind the concert. Is it basically to celebrate the life and
times of your father?
Ans: Haba! Don't
you think I should celebrate this great man? You know we Nigerians too dey forget people wey dey try for our
country. I will never let Nigerians forget my father's contribution to this
country especially in the judiciary. Nigerians go hear am. In short, it
will be a carnival.
Q: Aside the
concert, do you have any other plans to immortalize him?
Ans: Yes, I pray
that the Federal Government gets it right this time. He deserves to be immortalized.
For me CharlyBoy, in my own crazy way and unusual approach, you can be sure
that I will make my father live forever. You watch!
Q: In your own
opinion, do you think the Oputa panel headed by your father and set up by
Obasanjo to look into human rights cases during the military era really served
its purpose?
Ans: Your guess
is as good as mine. How could it have served any purpose when it was tossed
under the bed. I don't just get it. It's like sending someone on a wild goose
chase. But, I have a different mindset about it all. It was the Truth and
Reconciliation panel and in a roundabout way, it opened our eyes to all the
atrocities of the past. It got people talking, which was a good thing.
Q: What do you
miss most about him?
Ans: So much my
guy, I don't know if you can get it if you have never been there. I loved my
father to bits, he was like my hero. He dared to be different like me; he was
like no other, like me. I will miss our regular evening provoking
conversations, when he would come over to my part of the house, as I serve him
his small stout while I drink my coke and we would talk endlessly about many
things under the sun. I will miss his company especially all the times he
accompanied me to different shows. Full of wisecracks, he made life's journey
so simple and uncomplicated, he exemplified the significance of life. Head or
tail, I know he indisputably deserves the heavenly gift of paradise.
Q: Did you in
any way use his name to open doors that sometimes proved difficult?
Ans: As CharlyBoy,
there was never a time any door or doors proved difficult for me. Half of my
contacts and the people I know, my father could never have known. From the day
he was made a judge, my father lived a secluded life, he didn't socialize much
and never asked anybody for favours. The respect he had for me before he died
was as a result that I didn't need him for anything what so ever. After he
retired as a judge 90percent of the outings he did was with me. All the comedy
shows that happened in the past 8yrs in Abuja, he attended them with me. He
loved going out with me and getting involved with my work. Even at his age, I
had several times taken him on bike rides. I know there are a lot of people out
there who wouldn't want to still give me credit, but that's not for me to worry
about. Charlyboy has opened doors my late father couldn’t open period.
Q: How do you
feel being fatherless?
Ans: I have
joined the club of the fatherless people. I hope that one day they will make me
their President. If you know how close we became, you will feel very sorry for
me. But I'm up to the challenge. Now I have my mother to concentrate on. She
was my first love anyways before my father got into my good books, so all the
love and care will be transferred to her full time. Thank God I'm not an orphan
yet, that would have been a serious problem.
Q What are those
fine qualities you inherited from your father?
We stood for
justice especially for the common man. We are both deep thinkers. We are both
men who are content and at peace with self. We are both committed to changing our
environment. We love our wives dearly, my father till his death spent over
70yrs with the same woman, I have spent 37yrs still counting. We have strong
love for our family and always very protective. My father wasn't phased with or
by material things, same here. We love to read and learn. When we were younger
we both use to be such flirts. We both believe in one man one woman. We both
are very spiritual beings.
Q: What kind of
life did your father live?
Ans: My Daddy
worked hard all his life. He was devoted to his family and friends. A man so
sure and steady that you thought he'd be around forever. My hero never fought
in a war, he was not worldly, he never felt the need to search the world for
bounty, never drove fancy cars, but he lived his life by the golden rule. Never
had much money, but he had the respect of all his friends, associates, even
people who only knew him on the pages of the newspaper. As a father, he was a
disciplinarian. He brought us up with an overdose of morals, values, principles
and integrity. With all his hardness at that time, he had nothing but love for
all of us. He loved my mum so very much. I used to think he was a weak man,
because my mum could make him do just about anything. He was a player at some
time, but his love for mum made him give it up. Lately since the past ten
years, I have continually drawn strength from him, spiritually, intellectually
and morally. He lived a great life I must say.
Q: How were you
able to convince your father about your personality especially in the beginning
when he felt you were too rascally?
Ans: I didn't
set out to convince him about nothing. I was just doing my own thing regardless
of what anyone thought about me from jump street. I no send anybody any message, even my beloved father. Initially, in
the beginning, he thought that the image I was building was too futuristic. He
felt that Nigerians where far too conservative and hypocritical to even
understand what I was trying to convey. He swore that it will never work. Most
importantly he didn't believe that my choice of career would offer me any
financial security in the future. All I did was to stay loyal to my dream; I
was tremendously focused on my goal. I have been consistent, always keeping my
eyes on the ball. I just won his respect with my independence and hard work. I
teased him sometimes when I would ask “Shey
you said I was never going to make it following this path" and he would
answer, "Parents are human beings you know, sometimes they too can be
wrong". Short and simple, I won my old man's respect because I worked
myself to success and I didn't need his help in any way.
Q: What about
the times when you did not obey his orders and got tired of his rules,
regulations and restrictions. What was his reaction?
Ans: When I was
a teenager, I saw my father as a terror. I was always getting into his trouble
and he used to whip me so much that I became immune to the pain of his cane. My
father used to beat the living daylight out of me. You know he was a teacher
before. He used to make me cram William Shakespeare when I was in elementary
school. Because of his hardcore style of teaching, I hated school and
threatened I was going to drop out of school. The first day I had told my
father that I was no longer interested in going to school, he beat me up so
badly I had to feign my own death before he really kills me, I was 16yrs old,
that was the last day my father touched me, walahi!!
Q: Would it be
okay to sum up that in the last 25 years you were able to get the kind of
respect from the man who thought the direction you took was wrong?
Ans: Yes, he used to be an unbeliever, but my hard
work, dexterity, tenacity, focus, doggedness, ruggedness/never say die attitude
turned him into not only a believer but also a CharlyBoy fanatic. He will
always tell his friends with pride, "CharlyBoy has beaten me hands down,
look at what he’s been able to do with his life" initially I use to be
embarrassed when he starts like that, because he will just go on and on, oh
man. But later I just got use to it because I would always see the pride in his
eyes when he talks about my achievements. Yes I mesmerized him with my success.
My father whom I thought was hard to please, became my campaign manager.
Q: What was it
like in the first 15 years out of the 32 years of being Charlyboy when you
hardly talked to each other?
Ans: It pained
me initially that he didn't think much of the path I wanted to take. I disowned
them (mum and dad) because I never went to them for anything. That made them
worried, but my father just couldn't reconcile the outlandish image with such a
huge family name that had become an albatross around my neck. I went into
entertainment because I had to run away from living under anyone's shadow; wanted
to carve my own niche. For years we never communicated. It was actually my late
friend Tyna Onwudiwe that helped my parents understand that my career choice
wasn't a bad one.
TQ: What about
your decision to read mass communications instead of law which your father
wanted you to study?
Ans: my father
knew from the beginning I wasn't like his other children, I did what Charly
wanted to do even when I would always get the beating of my life. My father
never asked me to go study Law, he wished I did but he knew better. Mass Com
was my choice and that is what I did.
Q: What favorite
quote will you most remember your father by?
Ans: Man, know
Q: What is your
message to Nigerian's at a time when kidnapping, ritual killing and bomb blasts
have become common place?
Ans: I sent out
a bulk text massage to 6million Nigerians, maybe I should share it with you.
“Overwhelmed by
Losing my Fada
and all.
Worried of the
In Naija.
Nigeria is for
us all
Not for the Kill
This is not just
a Goodluck's thing
This is a matter
for all Nigerians
Our enemy is now
Terrorism and
Let us for once
be bold
Let us refuse to
be terrorized
Is it not enough
we've been Traumatized?
Our Love for
Nigeria and safety should unite us
We MUST be our
brothers' keeper
Report anything
suspicious around you
You may be
saving lives!!!
Maybe yours.”
Q:What great
lesson did you learn from him while alive?
Ans: He thought I wasn't paying attention to his
life lessons. Life lessons he taught me. Hey! I got every word because they
were all written unconsciously on my heart. Without my Dad, I wouldn't be the
person I am today. He built a strong foundation no one can take away. I've
grown up with his value and I will be forever grateful. I learnt how to be
strong, because you can see me struggling but you can never see me fall. I
learnt that a good name is better than gold, I learnt how to live with my wife
of 37yrs, staying faithful to any course I set my heart on. I learnt how to be
a man's man. An apple can never fall too far from its tree. I learnt a whole
lot, but the biggest lesson of all times I learnt from him was the art of
contentment. I am at peace with myself now, thanks to the great teacher.
Q: How prepared
are you and others for the funeral?
Ans: We are
ready to once again make our Father proud, I know he is watching. I know that
even in death, he will remain proud. We plan to give him the burial of a life time
which people living would wish that, when they die, they want to be buried in
the same manner. He is a Great Nigerian, in fact one of the greatest. He
deserves a fantastic burial, and surely that's what he will get, so help me
Q What should
Nigerian leaders learn or emulate from your late father?
Ans: Humility,
Simplicity, Integrity, Honesty, Class, Sincerity and love for the people you