:> Ok so...erm...'Marriage People'! Take note: I didn't say married people oh! Even though you should listen up the hardest, and I'm talking mostly to the women. Now, marriage is not a do or die affair anymore except for those who do not attach value to their lives.
The couple whose photo you see up here got married only 2 years ago. Titi worked at the Skye bank lounge in VI and I happened to have known her there. At this very moment she is dead. She was stabbed to death on
Friday 24th June, 2011 by the beast next to her that she called a husband in such a way that it seemed like an episode of Crime And Investigation, who after stabbing her all over and cutting off her breast, left the bent knife in her neck, locked her up in the house and too off. (Although now he is in police custody)...*sigh*... :( it's a shame that a lot of the time, those we let into our lives and homes as our guide and protector are those we need protection from.
This essay of mine is for the benefit of the ignorant. Those who believe that such things only happen in the West. And most importantly, for the benefit of THOSE WOMEN (AND MEN) FACING DOMESTIC ABUSE on a daily basis all in the name of love, security, "my children", social status and appearance, peer pressure, family pressure..:>, I SAY GROW A SPINE OR BREAK ONE, for life will definitely go on when you r gone. :
Titi was warned by her parents till the very last minute but she didn't listen. Now it is too late to save her!
My name is Egor Efiok and i say NO to Domestic Violence!
Please add your signature below if you support my Say No To Domestic Violence Cause.
Many thanks.
Its so funny how life could out to be, we claim we are in love, a violent man was violent rite from d dating/ courtship time. People will even go ahead to discourage us abt them, but dis so called love will not let us be. Parent will kick against it but we ignore everybody and go on. Ladies pls marriage is not a do or die, if he is violent for d shake of ur life and dat of ur kids walk away from it. There are just few wise men around. God help us ladies, so dat such incidence does not occur again. God bless u Egor Efiok
Thanks dear, God bless you too. Xxx
It's really a pity that this young lady lost her life in this manner. I believe it's time 4 anyone going tru domestic violence especially women 2 stand on their two feet and say no 2 domestic violence. I did it and am doing great wt my kids. Such marriage is nt worth been in,marriage is nt really a do or die affair. God bless
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