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March 01, 2013

Otu-Ekong Ukpanah, Nigeria's Award Winning Model, Has Some 'Interesting' Bedroom Tips To Share! (Adults ONLY Please + Viewer Discretion Advised)

Otu-Ekong Ukpana is an award winning photography and runway model and has featured in several fashion shows locally and internationally. He has also graced magazine covers as well as calenders and billboards. Additionally, Otu won the awards for Nigerian Model of The Year and Nigeria's Most Outstanding Male Model of The Year in 2008 and 2011, respectively. Fourteen years of modelling, and Otu is still a hottie as you can see from his photos. 

I recently discovered that Otu has another talent - erotica! Hehehe! You need to visit his Facebook Page to get my drift. This particular one caught my attention due to the nature of its graphic content. Funny thing is, I am certain a lot of ladies will find this rather stimulating, so this is for you lucky buggers! ; ; Lol! Word(s) of advice however, before you proceed to "try this at home"...this act should only be practised with an EXCLUSIVE partner; you can catch herpes virus from embarking on this 'adventure', so check the "pleasure giver's" mouth first for cold sores n' all. I also don't agree with the "tongue ring" advice, as I think it's grossly unhygienic! Imagine what could be lurking behind the ring, especially if this act has been practised on several you know what(s)! Sounds like all the bogey hiding behind the skin of an uncircumcised d*ck! Ewwwww! Anyway, ignore my personal views for now and read Otu's erotica below. 

Pussy Eating 101

1st. You must have gentle hands, You must rub the pussy, get her good and warmed up. Foreplay is must.

2nd. When you get to the pussy, it would be wise to plan to spend a lot of time teasing around the clit. Suck on her inner thigh. Something that works for me, is: I lick very close to the clit and around it. She starts to moan and I tease a bit more with my tongue.

3rd. You should think of it like this. You must kiss the clit, You must make love to the pussy with your mouth. You must have a very gentle. If you dont like eating the pussy its best that you stay away from the pussy. Trying to eat just to get your foot in the door(Dick in the pussy) is a BIG NO NO!!!!!! Now back to the lecture at hand

4th. After licking around the clit for a good period of time. Its time for kissing the clit, french kiss the clit. Dont be afraid, Open your mouth and extend your tongue as far as it will go and lick from the entry of the pussy all the way to the hood of her.

5th. By now she is probably squirming, you can now place 
your hand under her ass and squeeze. Trust me she will love it.

6th. Now, this one is tricky. As you are sucking on her clit. Keep the clit in your mouth and your tongue must start to move in a twirling motion. Kinda like if you work sweeping your tongue up and down her clit.

7th. Now you can take 2 fingers and insert them in her, cause now she should be fucking and grinding on your face. With your 2 fingers massage her G-Spot, you do this by motioning your fingers in a come here motion.

8th. While massaging the G-Spot, your tongue should be still sweeping across her clit. And her clit should start to swell in your mouth.

9th. Once her clit swells. Whatever you do. Dont stop. You are liable to be punched in the face if you do.

10th. At this point, she is about to explode. So with your tongue, keep sweeping up and down, like your tongue is bouncing up and down on her clit. Dont be afraid cause she will start to slow moan, and she may even squirt. If you have followed the above tips, You will have her juices oozing down your face if you arent ready to suck her all up.

11th. Once she starts to wind down. Do the alphabet with your tongue on her pussy. This is the seal of the deal. Or If you have a signature move. Here would be a good time to use it.

12th. Now you can fuck or do what ever is your flavor. What, I like to do is fuck, and eat and fuck and eat. When we are done, I will go and get us some water or gatorade and eat again.

P.S. Dont be afraid to inbox me with any questions. Oh, yeah fellas. Tongue piercing would help you out big time. Cause when your tongue is walking down her clit, the piercing gives her the itty bitty tap that she needs.

Follow Otu on Twitter: @otuwinpana

1 comment:

  1. Tong piercing is wrong. Guys don't do it. Only follow his advise if the girl/woman is your wife ot your girlfriend alone.
