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February 10, 2013

Paul Gascoigne In Intensive Care In Arizona Hospital After Reacting Badly To Detox Treatment: Gazza Is Being Closely Monitored After Years Of Alcohol Abuse Have Seriously Damaged His Vital Organs

Gazza last week: There are new fears for Paul Gascoigne
Gazza last week: There are new fears for Paul Gascoigne

Paul Gascoigne was critically ill in intensive care last night after collapsing at an American rehab clinic.
The alcoholic football hero, 45, was rushed into hospital in Tucson, Arizona, just days after arriving at the Cottonwood rehabilitation centre.
Sources close to the England legend say the clinic's rigorous detox programme had proved too much for him.
One friend said: "Once you go to a facility like this the first thing you do is go through a detox programme.
"He's really struggling with it. It's been very hard on him.
"You have to go through the detox before you can attend the rest of the programme.
"It's been a tough period for him.
"We're waiting to hear from the people looking after him but we are hoping things go well."
The source added Gazza was believed to be in a stable condition but doctors were monitoring his condition closely.
He was receiving round-the-clock care from medics amid growing concerns that years of alcohol abuse have done serious damage to his vital organs.
Gazza was flown to the £6,000-a-week clinic by celeb pals including DJ Chris Evans, 46, and ex-teammate Gary Lineker, 52, last week after he was spotted buying booze in his current hometown of Bournemouth, Dorset.
Chris Evans said last week: "A serious addict can only be helped if they really want to be. It is my understanding that as of approximately 10 o'clock Monday morning Paul asked for that help.
"Then and only then could a select group of his friends begin to put into operation the latest phase in a long fight to rid him of his demons.
"It's his only chance but at least now he is going to get that chance."
Another supporter, former England cricket captain Ronnie Irani, said Gazza's pals took action after the stricken footballer had what he called "a mad six weeks".
Ronnie, 41, said: "I had a chat with Chris Evans and he asked how we could help him.
"We knew we just had to get him on this flight, out to the Priory in Phoenix.
"I called British Airways and explained the situation, that we had to get him some help. He needs it, and if not, who knows what's going to happen?"
Ronnie revealed Gazza had turned down offers of support from the Professional Footballers' Association.
He added: "Paul's had all the help he could possibly have right in front of him from the PFA."
The Cottonwood centre's website says its treatment involves "a thorough medical evaluation followed by medically managed detoxification."
Patients are encouraged to identify their loss of control over booze and are given counselling to identify the problems caused by their boozing. 

May God be with you as you get well soon Gazza.

Source: www.mirror.co.uk

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