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May 17, 2012

Jamie Lynne Grummet Stirs Up Controversy As TIME Magazine's 'Cover-Girl', Breastfeeding Her 4-Year-Old Son (See Video; Also Photos Of British Mum Who Breastfed Her Children Until They Were SIX).

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, TIME magazine featured a photo of real life mom, Jamie Lynne Grumet, breastfeeding her 4-year-old son, Aram, on the cover. 

Jamie Lynne Grumet, who says her mom breastfed her until she was 6-years-old, visited the ‘Today’ show and said she doesn’t want people to just look at the picture as much as she wants to promote the message of nurturing your child. She says she knew that the issue would cause a stir and she understands why TIME chose that photo but that’s not how she breastfeeds at home.

On the Cover Causing So Much of a Stir
No, I don’t think any of us were expecting it. Yes, we knew exactly what we were going to get into. I felt like our family was basically one of the better ones to handle this because of my mom’s own personal breastfeeding [experience.] I mean, I don’t feel like that takes away from my own personal life . My relationship with my husband is very, very important to me and I think that it gives my children a strong bond , too. So I think a lot of people say, you can’t really be intimate with your husband if you’re co-sleeping and that’s just — I mean those are kind of myths, too.

On the Backlash
I understand some of the breast-feeding advocates are actually upset about this because I feel like they don’t show the nurturing side to attachment parenting . Which is, you know, more - this isn’t how we breastfeed at home.  It’s more of a cradling, nurturing situation, and I understand what they’re saying…but i do understand why TIME chose this picture because it did create such a media craze, to get the dialogue.

On How Long She Plans on Breastfeeding Aram
Well, we’re going to do weaning but I’m personally hoping [that the] fourth year, just for me, is probably going to be our final. He’s self-weaning right now and it’s a big commitment and it’s not right for everybody. I think that that’s the big thing - is you need to do what’s best for your baby and for your own family. So, you can take some of Dr. Sears attachment parenting philosophies and others, it’s okay, you’re not a bad parent. Your child will still be okay.

Meet The British Mum Who Breastfed Her Children Until They Were SIX: She Backs Shocking TIME MAGAZINE Cover! 
Stella Onions and her two children, Josephine & Zac
 A MUM has shocked America by appearing on a magazine cover breastfeeding her son aged nearly four - but a British mum says she should continue until he is SIX.

Stella Onions, 46, of Ludlow, Shrops, says her two kids are happier and more intelligent, having been nursed for longer.

Here, Stella explains why she backs 26-year-old LA mum Jamie Lynne Grumet’s decision to pose.  I THINK the picture on the magazine cover is lovely - and the reaction to it is incredible.

I carried on breastfeeding my children until Josephine was six years and three months and Zac was five years and nine months.

Often I fed them both at the same time.

If people look at the cover and think it’s a sexual image which makes them uncomfortable, then the problem lies with them, not the mother. Breastfeeding is a lovely, natural thing. After all, this is why we were given breasts.

I had to introduce some etiquette as my children got older. I didn’t want them lifting up my top in public so they learned to ask first, saying, “Mummy milk, please”.

They would occasionally ask in public places, but this was quite rare and it is quite possible to breastfeed discreetly. I fully expected to stop when they were about two, but they kept asking for “mummy milk”, lifting my top and making it very clear this is what they wanted.

They suckle, as if they were feeding through a straw, rather than suck so you do not become red or sore.

It doesn’t hurt. I have only been bitten once, by accident, by both children. I began researching the issue as the children got older and quickly saw how many benefits there are to continuing breastfeeding. Breastfed children are happier and more secure and there is scientific research that shows they have improved intelligence.

I am very close to my children, who are now nine and seven, and they are perfectly normal, happy and healthy children. Even now I am sure I could breastfeed.

Just recently I was in Ireland and there were very young babies crying and my nipples tingled and I thought, “It is still there”.

If you want to carry on, why not? My two children have certainly benefited.

Okay...my opionion? Freaky! Nasty! Yucky! Kai!!! Chai!!! Seriously...

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