E4PR Public Relations Blog For Showbiz and the Entertainment Industry

May 15, 2012

Elijah Rock Records Original Composition

On June 26th, 2012 I will be Headlining the KJAZZ (88.1) Hollywood and Highland Summer Wine & Jazz Festival in Hollywood, CA. I am writing because I am raising $2,000.00 via Indiegogo: Indiegogo/ElijahRockRecording for the recording of my original song composition, "THE FIRST TIME," which tells of a young man who meets the love of his life on a random walk to the corner store. In fact, the young woman nearly hits him as he's crossing the street on a busy Hollywood intersection.

She pulls over to apologize-and the rest is Love History. Be it Destiny or Providence, the two end up sharing the rest of their impromptu day together, enamored by their powerful attraction and reveling in the discovery of their mutual passion for early Jazz.

 I really believe in this song. My musical director Antonio Dangerfield has already penned the arrangement and now I am putting together the most amazing band to record the song in the next few weeks .

I also want the 'single' as requested by KJAZZ (88.1), to be featured on their website for the marketing of the June 26th show and beyond.

I will also like to record this song soon so that I can make duplicate copies of the 'single' to sell at the show itself. Recouping our investment will be used to further invest in my first full-length Jazz Album to be recorded this year. I've recorded two previous albums but never a Jazz record; my most beloved genre of music. Now I am poised to take it on.

My band at KJAZZ will consist of an 8-piece ensemble; Piano, Bass, Drums, Guitar, Percussion, Trumpet, Saxophone and myself- Vocalist. As you are aware, to showcase a band of this magnitude in today's economic times is ambitious but I've always been a HUGE student of the Count Basie and Duke Ellington days, when the sound was rich and full.

 I also love the experience and creative synergy of musicians collaborating in the moment. We Need More of That! :)  If each of you can support me with a minimum of $10.00 dollars, I believe that I can reach my goal within the next week. 

Thank your for time! Thank you for your Love~


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