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May 01, 2012

Amber Rose & Wiz Khalifa Are Eager To Start A Family! Couple Give Interesting Accounts Of Marriage Proposal And Plans For Marriage (Excerpts From Interview & Video)

Although, Amber and her new fiance Wiz have been pretty lowkey since the announcement of their engagement, they both hit up two different morning shows last week to finally dish on Wiz’s proposal as well as their plans to procreate.  According to Wiz, he really doesn’t want Amber to go hard with her music right now because they are planning to start a family and he wouldn’t want to invest money into a project that she couldn’t fully commit to if she were to start having kids soon.  

When asked by Power 105.1fm's Breakfast Club exactly how he proposed to Amber, he said:

Real simple. It was in the morning time and I just rolled over outta bed and I had the ring in the laundry room, so I just went in there and grabbed it up. Sober. I gave her the real me.[...] I didn’t cry but she was crying so much she didn’t know what to say. It was crazy. I was like, ‘Say something yo!’ I was like, ‘What you gonna say?’

When Amber was asked by VH1's Morning Buzz, how Wiz proposed, her story was almost identical:

He literally rolled over, in the morning, and just was like, POW! We didn’t even brush our teeth yet, seriously. It was so cute, and he had the bed head, and he just rolled over and was like “I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, and you’re my best friend, and I can’t imagine life without you,” and then he showed me the ring and I just cried for like 10 minutes, and then he was like “Are you gonna say yeah, or?” I couldn’t even talk. We live in the same building, we don’t live together, but we live in the same apartment building, so we ran to my apartment, my mom was there, and me and my mom cried for another half hour. Then we called the whole family, and THEN, we put it on Twitter.

When Wiz was asked how he knew Amber was the one, he responded:

I just really think it was just undeniable.[...]None of my family [was talking bad about the relationship], just people who don’t know us, and that never really bothered me. I never really looked into people [or] what they were talking about. All I was concerned with was me and her and that never changed. It only grew and we’re the best of friends and we just do more, know more about each other and love each other.

And when asked when did they plan on having kids, Wiz responded:


Amber was also asked on their plans for kids and she responded:

Wiz wants 5 kids, so we better get on it, soon.

Watch the interview below:

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