E4PR Public Relations Blog For Showbiz and the Entertainment Industry

October 05, 2011

Diddy Apologizes For "Ignorant" Behavior .

I’m a child God and I should be better no matter what somone says to me. I’m sorry for the ignorant way I repesented myself and us. To all my childen of God … I have backslid and regressed. Forgive me for my ignorance. Pray for me pls.
I know better and I am better. I have a responibility that I promise I will live up to. And I’m more dissapointed in myself than you know. I will humble myself and learn. bottom line is I’m sorry to all! Pls find it in your heart to accept my apology. I will do better and be Greater And a source of positivity! Thank yall for listening. Thank you. Real talk. Peace.
And yes this has been a 3am emotional real twitter rant! But its my real feelings. And yes #It hurts when I Breathe!!! Lol #allLUV :)

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